This article reports on a study of English language arts teachers’ attempts to integrate technology into the English classroom. Informants included middle and high school English teachers with varying teaching and technology experiences. Conceptualized as an interview study, the study used an open-ended protocol and spontaneously generated probes to seek teachers’ perspectives. Results from the study revealed that teachers described their attitudes toward technology through considerations of gains, dilemmas, and concerns with regard to their own or their students’ computer applications. Governed by the “practicality ethic,” as opposed to researchers’ and legislators’ “rationale ethic” (Doyle & Ponders as cited in Fullan & Stiegelbauer, 1991), the teachers in this study were willing to accept change as long as they were convinced that it would allow them to see a gain for their students as well as for their own instructional practices. Administrators, on the other hand, were reported to push for technology, for they appeared to perceive it as the ultimate goal in any educational context.
Adaptado de: McGRAIL, E. Teachers, Technology, and Change: English Teachers’ Perspectives. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, v. 13, n.1, p. 5-24. Norfolk, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, 2005. Disponível em: https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/18893/. Acesso em: 6 abr. 2023.
Com base nas informações apresentadas no texto, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas.
I. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que os professores demonstraram estar dispostos a aceitar as mudanças tecnológicas
II. Os administradores de instituições educacionais parecem ser a favor da tecnologia, sendo esta percebida como o objetivo final de qualquer contexto educacional.
A respeito dessas asserções, assinale a opção correta:
As asserções I e II são verdadeiras, e a II é uma justificativa correta da I.
As asserções I e II são verdadeiras, mas a II não é uma justificativa correta da I.
A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira e a II é uma proposição falsa.
A asserção I é uma proposição falsa e a II é uma proposição verdadeira.
As asserções I e II são falsas.